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/ Chip 2011 November / CHIP_2011_11.iso / Programy / Narzedzia / Secure_Eraser / sEraser.exe / {app} / english.ini < prev    next >
INI File  |  2011-06-06  |  14.8 KB  |  353 lines

  1. [FormMain]
  2. Str0=<Secure Eraser - bug report>
  3. Str1=<An error occurred in the application.>
  4. Str2=<The application seems to be frozen.>
  5. Str3=<Mail bug report>
  6. Str4=<Save bug report>
  7. Str5=<Print bug report>
  8. Str6=<Show bug report>
  9. Str7=<Continue application>
  10. Str8=<Restart application>
  11. Str9=<Close application>
  12. Str10=<Request license key>
  13. Str11=<Order full version>
  14. Str12=<Low - Random>
  15. Str13=<Normal - US DoD 5220.22-M E>
  16. Str14=<High - German standard>
  17. Str15=<Higher - US DoD 5220.22-M ECE>
  18. Str16=<Highest - Peter Gutmann standard>
  19. Str17=<File>
  20. Str18=<could not be deleted.>
  21. Str19=<File could not be deleted:>
  22. Str20=<Do you want to retry deletion?>
  23. Str21=<deleted>
  24. Str22=<MB>
  25. Str23=<System cleaning started>
  26. Str24=<of>
  27. Str25=<elements deleted successfully>
  28. Str26=<Registry value>
  29. Str27=<Value>
  30. Str28=<could not be deleted (key:>
  31. Str29=<Events>
  32. Str30=<Protocol>
  33. Str31=<Errors>
  34. Str32=<Secure file deletion started>
  35. Str33=<files deleted successfully>
  36. Str34=<Overwrites your data with random data before deletion.>
  37. Str35=<Overwrites your data three times before deletion (complement creation combined with random data).>
  38. Str36=<Overwrites your data three times with German standard before deletion.>
  39. Str37=<Overwrites your data seven times with industrial standard of the U.S. before deletion.>
  40. Str38=<Overwrites your data 35 times with Peter Gutmann standard before deletion.>
  41. Str39=<Program finished>
  42. Str40=<Program started>
  43. Str41=<Registry scanning started>
  44. Str42=<errors fixed successfully>
  45. Str43=<Standard value of key>
  46. Str44=<is empty and may be deleted.>
  47. Str45=<refers to non-existing file>
  48. Str46=<CLSID may be deleted.>
  49. Str47=<Value>
  50. Str48=<is empty and may be deleted.>
  51. Str49=<refers to non-existing AppID>
  52. Str50=<and may be deleted.>
  53. Str51=<Standard value is empty, key "ToolBoxBitmap32" may be deleted.>
  54. Str52=<Standard value of key "ProxyStubClsid32" is empty and may be deleted.>
  55. Str53=<In standard value of key "ProxyStubClsid32" referred CLSID>
  56. Str54=<does not exist, key may be deleted.>
  57. Str55=<Standard value is empty, key>
  58. Str56=<may be deleted.>
  59. Str57=<In standard value referred directory>
  60. Str58=<File>
  61. Str59=<does not exist, autorun element>
  62. Str60=<File extension>
  63. Str61=<refers to non-existing key>
  64. Str62=<Standard value is empty, key "DefaultIcon" may be deleted.>
  65. Str63=<In standard value referred file>
  66. Str64=<does not exist, key "DefaultIcon" may be deleted.>
  67. Str65=<In standard value referred CLSID>
  68. Str66=<does not exist, key "CLSID" may be deleted.>
  69. Str67=<does not exist, key "print" may be deleted.>
  70. Str68=<does not exist, key "open" may be deleted.>
  71. Str69=<does not exist, key "play" may be deleted.>
  72. Str70=<does not exist, key may be deleted.>
  73. Str71=<Value "UninstallString" refers to non-existing file>
  74. Str72=<Program entry may be deleted.>
  75. Str73=<Font file>
  76. Str74=<does not exist, value>
  77. Str75=<Explorer history list for filetype>
  78. Str76=<does not contain data and may be deleted.>
  79. Str77=<Registry cleaning started>
  80. Str78=<Registry key deleted>
  81. Str79=<Key>
  82. Str80=<Licensing has been finished successfully.>
  83. Str81=<Entered license key is not valid!>
  84. Str82=<Entered e-mail address is not valid!>
  85. Str83=<License key has been sent by e-mail!>
  86. Str84=<Entered e-mail address is not valid!
  87. Str85=<Internal failure: invalid_prog>
  88. Str86=<Internal failure: server response not valid.>
  89. Str87=<Possibly the server is busy, please>
  90. Str88=<try again later.>
  91. Str89=<Your request could not be processed!>
  92. Str90=<Please check if an active internet connection>
  93. Str91=<has been established.>
  94. Str92=<Change language>
  95. Str93=<Program>
  96. Str94=<Settings>
  97. Str95=<Journal>
  98. Str96=<Help>
  99. Str97=<Close window>
  100. Str98=<Folder could not be deleted:>
  101. Str99=<Folder>
  102. Str100=<Exit program>
  103. Str101=<Windows shutdown>
  104. Str102=<Windows reboot>
  105. Str103=<Windows standby>
  106. Str104=<NOT ACTIVE>
  107. Str105=<ACTIVE>
  108. Str106=<Update>
  109. Str107=<Newer version of Secure Eraser available!>
  110. Str108=<You are using the latest version.>
  111. Str109=<Failed.>
  112. Str110=<Detection of version info failed.>
  113. Str111=<Authorization failed.>
  114. Str112=<Download failed.>
  115. Str113=<File cannot be replaced:>
  116. Str114=<Detecting...>
  117. Str115=<seconds>
  118. Str116=<Close>
  119. Str117=<selected.>
  120. Str118=<No drive selected.>
  121. Str119=<erased successfully.>
  122. Str120=<Deletion cancelled.>
  123. Str121=<completed, time remaining:>
  124. Str122=<Space deletion started>
  125. Str123=<Temporary file could not be created.>
  126. Str124=<No space available.>
  127. Str125=<unlimited>
  128. Str126=<hrs>
  129. Str127=<mins>
  130. Str128=<secs>
  131. Str129=<calculating...>
  132. Str130=<Are you really sure you want to>
  133. Str131=<start deletion?>
  134. Str132=<Hint: You can deactivate this>
  135. Str133=<confirmation in menu "Settings".>
  136. Str134=<Folder>
  137. Str135=<files>
  138. Str136=<Clearing up MFT...>
  139. Str137=<MFT could not be cleared up.>
  140. Str138=<MFT cleared up>
  141. Str139=<Clearing Change Journal...>
  142. Str140=<Change Journal could not be cleared.>
  143. Str141=<Change Journal cleared>
  144. Str142=<Start>
  145. Str143=<Version>
  146. Str144=<New version available!>
  147. Str145=<Drive deletion started>
  148. Str146=<erased (errors occured).>
  149. Str147=<MFT error:>
  150. Str148=<Space deleted>
  151. Str149=<Drive deleted>
  152. LabelStartWelcome_Caption=<Welcome to Secure Eraser>
  153. LabelStartInfo_Caption=<What do you want to do next?>
  154. ButtonMenu1_Caption=<File && folder deletion>
  155. ButtonMenu1_CommandLinkHint=<Secure deletion of files and folders.>
  156. ButtonMenu2_Caption=<Free space deletion>
  157. ButtonMenu2_CommandLinkHint=<Secure deletion of already deleted files.>
  158. ButtonMenu3_Caption=<System cleaning>
  159. ButtonMenu3_CommandLinkHint=<System cleaning of temporary and user-specific files.>
  160. ButtonMenu4_Caption=<Registry cleaning>
  161. ButtonMenu4_CommandLinkHint=<Cleaning of Windows Registry.>
  162. ButtonMenu5_Caption=<Drive/partition deletion>
  163. ButtonMenu5_CommandLinkHint=<Secure deletion of a drive/partition.>
  164. LabelNavigation_Caption=<Navigation:>
  165. LabelEraseTitle_Caption=<File && folder deletion>
  166. LabelFreespaceTitle_Caption=<Free space deletion>
  167. LabelCleanTitle_Caption=<System cleaning>
  168. LabelRegistryTitle_Caption=<Registry cleaning>
  169. LabelSettingsTitle_Caption=<Settings>
  170. LabelJournalTitle_Caption=<Journal>
  171. LabelUpdateTitle_Caption=<Update>
  172. LabelDriveTitle_Caption=<Drive/partition deletion>
  173. RzPanel1_Caption=<Drive list>
  174. LabelDriveInfo_Caption=<Delete existing and already deleted files of selected drive/partition securely:>
  175. LabelDriveHint_Caption=<Hint>
  176. LabelDriveHint1_Caption=<WARNING: Any existing files and folders of selected drive/partition will be deleted irretrievably!>
  177. LabelDriveHint2_Caption=<It might be that a Windows message "Low disk space" will be shown while deletion, you may ignore this message.>
  178. RzPanel2_Caption=<Options>
  179. LMDCheckBoxDriveMFT_Caption=<Clear up MFT>
  180. LabelDriveMFT_Caption=<Removes filenames of deleted files out of drive's Master File Table.>
  181. LMDCheckBoxDriveUSN_Caption=<Clear Change Journal>
  182. LabelDriveUSN_Caption=<Clears USN Change Journal if active (NTFS drives only).>
  183. RzPanel3_Caption=<Progress>
  184. LabelDriveJournal_Caption=<Journal>
  185. RzBmpButtonDriveCancel_Caption=<Cancel deletion>
  186. BitBtnDrive_Caption=<Start deletion>
  187. LabelDriveAction_Caption=<After deletion:>
  188. LabelRegistryJournal_Caption=<Journal>
  189. ButtonRegistryClear_Caption=<Start deletion>
  190. Label24_Caption=<Deletes objects referring to empty or non-existing AppId, InProcServer32 or LocalServer32 elements.>
  191. Label25_Caption=<Deletes objects referring to empty or non-existing AppPath elements.>
  192. Label26_Caption=<Deletes objects referring to empty or non-existing program elements.>
  193. Label32_Caption=<Deletes objects referring to empty or non-existing program or symbol elements.>
  194. Label33_Caption=<Deletes objects referring to non-existing files.>
  195. Label34_Caption=<Deletes objects referring to non-existing files.>
  196. Label35_Caption=<Deletes objects referring to non-existing setup files.>
  197. Label36_Caption=<Deletes objects referring to non-existing files.>
  198. Label38_Caption=<Deletes objects containing empty values.>
  199. LMDCheckBoxActiveX_Caption=<ActiveX and COM objects>
  200. LMDCheckBoxAppPaths_Caption=<Applications paths>
  201. LMDCheckBoxAutostart_Caption=<Autorun objects>
  202. LMDCheckBoxExtensions_Caption=<File extensions>
  203. LMDCheckBoxShared_Caption=<Shared files>
  204. LMDCheckBoxHelpfiles_Caption=<Help files>
  205. LMDCheckBoxPrograms_Caption=<Programs>
  206. LMDCheckBoxFonts_Caption=<Fonts>
  207. LMDCheckBoxHistory_Caption=<History>
  208. Label48_Caption=<Selection>
  209. Label39_Caption=<Progress>
  210. ButtonRegistryCheck_Caption=<Start scanning>
  211. Label51_Caption=<Journal>
  212. TabSheet1_Caption=<Events>
  213. Label37_Caption=<On this page you find journals for program events such as program, deletion and scanning events.>
  214. ListViewEvents_ColumnCaption[0]=<Date>
  215. ListViewEvents_ColumnCaption[1]=<Event>
  216. TabSheet2_Caption=<Protocol>
  217. Label40_Caption=<On this page deleted files and registry keys/values are being logged.>
  218. ListViewProtokoll_ColumnCaption[0]=<Date>
  219. ListViewProtokoll_ColumnCaption[1]=<File / key>
  220. ListViewProtokoll_ColumnCaption[2]=<Info>
  221. TabSheet3_Caption=<Errors>
  222. ListViewFehler_ColumnCaption[0]=<Date>
  223. ListViewFehler_ColumnCaption[1]=<Error>
  224. Label43_Caption=<On this page errors occurring while deletions are being logged.>
  225. Label45_Caption=<Activate option for suppressing error messages and skip suppressed elements.>
  226. Label58_Caption=<Asks for an additional confirmation before deletions start.>
  227. Label47_Caption=<Activate option for logging program events (deletion and scanning events).>
  228. Label49_Caption=<Activate option for logging deleted files and registry keys/values.>
  229. Label50_Caption=<Activate option for logging errors occurring while deletions.>
  230. Label52_Caption=<Empty journal:>
  231. Label53_Caption=<Empty journal:>
  232. Label54_Caption=<Empty journal:>
  233. Label44_Caption=<General>
  234. LMDCheckBoxPrevent_Caption=<Ignore errors>
  235. LMDCheckBoxConfirm_Caption=<Confirm deletions>
  236. Label46_Caption=<Journal>
  237. LMDCheckBoxEvents_Caption=<Events>
  238. LMDCheckBoxProtocol_Caption=<Protocol>
  239. LMDCheckBoxErrors_Caption=<Errors>
  240. ButtonSettingsCancel_Caption=<Cancel>
  241. ButtonSettingsApply_Caption=<Apply>
  242. ImageWindowsTemp_Hint=<Show files>
  243. ImageWindowsTempSystem_Hint=<Show files>
  244. ImageIETemp_Hint=<Show files>
  245. ImageIECookies_Hint=<Show files>
  246. ImageWindowsRecent_Hint=<Show files>
  247. ImageWindowsRecycleBin_Hint=<Show files>
  248. ImageFirefoxAddresses_Hint=<Show files>
  249. ImageFirefoxCookies_Hint=<Show files>
  250. ImageFirefoxForms_Hint=<Show files>
  251. ImageFirefoxTemp_Hint=<Show files>
  252. Label42_Caption=<Journal>
  253. ButtonCleanCancel_Caption=<Cancel deletion>
  254. BitBtnClean_Caption=<Start deletion>
  255. LabelWindows_Caption=<Windows>
  256. CheckBoxWindowsTemp_Caption=<Temp folder (user)>
  257. CheckBoxWindowsTempSystem_Caption=<Temp folder (system)>
  258. CheckBoxIETemp_Caption=<Temporary internet files>
  259. LabelIE_Caption=<Internet Explorer>
  260. CheckBoxIEAddresses_Caption=<Address list>
  261. CheckBoxIECookies_Caption=<Cookies>
  262. CheckBoxWindowsRecent_Caption=<Recent documents>
  263. CheckBoxWindowsRecycleBin_Caption=<Recycle bin>
  264. Label31_Caption=<Progress>
  265. LabelFirefox_Caption=<Mozilla Firefox>
  266. CheckBoxFirefoxAddresses_Caption=<Address list>
  267. CheckBoxFirefoxCookies_Caption=<Cookies>
  268. CheckBoxFirefoxForms_Caption=<Forms>
  269. CheckBoxFirefoxTemp_Caption=<Temporary internet files>
  270. LabelEraseInfo_Caption=<Security level:>
  271. LabelDescriptionInfo_Caption=<Description:>
  272. LabelHint_Caption=<Hint>
  273. Label41_Caption=<Journal>
  274. Label1_Caption=<Files/folders to be deleted securely:>
  275. Button1_Caption=<Add files>
  276. Button2_Caption=<Add folder>
  277. Button3_Caption=<Empty files list>
  278. ButtonErase_Caption=<Start deletion>
  279. Label3_Caption=<Progress>
  280. Label4_Caption=<Deletion method>
  281. Label5_Caption=<Files list>
  282. ButtonEraseCancel_Caption=<Cancel deletion>
  283. ActionBeenden_Caption=<Close>
  284. ActionMinimieren_Caption=<Minimize>
  285. ActionEinstellungen_Caption=<Settings>
  286. ActionJournal_Caption=<Journal>
  287. ActionHilfe_Caption=<Help>
  288. ActionInfo_Caption=<Info>
  289. ActionUpdate_Caption=<Update>
  290. OpenDialogMain_Filter=<All files (*.*)|*.*>
  291. OpenDialogMain_Title=<File selection>
  292. OpenDialogProfile_Filter=<Profile files (*.spr)|*.spr>
  293. OpenDialogProfile_Title=<Load profile>
  294. SaveDialogProfile_Filter=<Profile files (*.spr)|*.spr>
  295. SaveDialogProfile_Title=<Save profile>
  296. ImageEraseLoad_Hint=<Load profile>
  297. ImageEraseSave_Hint=<Save profile>
  298. FolderBrowserErase_Title=<Please select folder you want to be deleted securely and click 'OK'.>
  299. Dateienhinzufgen1_Caption=<Add &files>
  300. Ordnerhinzufgen1_Caption=<Add f&older>
  301. Allemarkieren1_Caption=<Select &all>
  302. Alledemarkieren1_Caption=<&Unselect all>
  303. Dateilisteleeren1_Caption=<&Empty files list>
  304. GeringeSicherheit1_Caption=<Low - Random>
  305. Mitel1_Caption=<Normal - US DoD 5220.22-M E>
  306. HochDeutscherStandard1_Caption=<High - German standard>
  307. SehrhochUSDoD522022MECE1_Caption=<Higher - US DoD 5220.22-M ECE>
  308. HchstmglichPeterGutmannStandard1_Caption=<Highest - Peter Gutmann standard>
  309. MenuItemFreespaceLow_Caption=<Low - Random>
  310. MenuItemFreespaceNormal_Caption=<Normal - US DoD 5220.22-M E>
  311. MenuItemFreespaceHigh_Caption=<High - German standard>
  312. MenuItemFreespaceHigher_Caption=<Higher - US DoD 5220.22-M ECE>
  313. MenuItemFreespaceHighest_Caption=<Highest - Peter Gutmann standard>
  314. LabelEraseAction_Caption=<After deletion:>
  315. LabelCleanAction_Caption=<After deletion:>
  316. LabelRegistryAction_Caption=<After deletion:>
  317. LabelUpdateStartup_Caption=<Checks for newer version at Secure Eraser startup.>
  318. LabelUpdateDownload_Caption=<Downloading file...>
  319. LabelUpdateClientID_Caption=<Customer ID:>
  320. LabelUpdateAvailableSizeInfo_Caption=<Download size:>
  321. LabelUpdateAvailableVersionInfo_Caption=<Available version:>
  322. LabelUpdateCurrentVersionInfo_Caption=<Current version:>
  323. ButtonUpdateDownload_Caption=<Download>
  324. ButtonUpdateCancel_Caption=<Cancel>
  325. Label65_Caption=<Update>
  326. CheckBoxUpdateStartup_Caption=<Check at startup>
  327. Label55_Caption=<Settings>
  328. LabelPrivate_Caption=<Freeware for private use>
  329. LabelFreespaceHint1_Caption=<Only free drive space will be overwritten securely. Existing files are not being affected.>
  330. LabelFreespaceJournal_Caption=<Journal>
  331. LabelFreespaceAction_Caption=<After deletion:>
  332. LabelFreespaceHint2_Caption=<It might be that a Windows message "Low disk space" will be shown while deletion, you may ignore this message.>
  333. Label63_Caption=<Overwrite already deleted files of selected drive securely:>
  334. Label64_Caption=<Progress>
  335. Label66_Caption=<Options>
  336. Label67_Caption=<Drive list>
  337. LabelFreespaceHint_Caption=<Hint>
  338. LMDCheckBoxFreespaceMFT_Caption=<Clear up MFT>
  339. LabelFreespaceMFT_Caption=<Removes filenames of deleted files out of drive's Master File Table.>
  340. LMDCheckBoxFreespaceUSN_Caption=<Clear Change Journal>
  341. LabelFreespaceUSN_Caption=<Clears USN Change Journal if active (NTFS drives only).>
  342. BitBtnFreespace_Caption=<Start deletion>
  343. ButtonFreespaceCancel_Caption=<Cancel deletion>
  344. LabelEventsMax_Caption=<Max. entries:>
  345. LabelProtocolMax_Caption=<Max. entries:>
  346. LabelErrorsMax_Caption=<Max. entries:>
  347. [FormPromo]
  348. ButtonBuy_Caption=<Order>
  349. ButtonBuy_Hint=<Order>
  350. ButtonClose_Caption=<Continue>
  351. ButtonClose_Hint=<Continue>
  352. LabelRemove_Caption=<This window is being removed in Secure Eraser Professional.>